Haus Consulting has been giving a valiant effort to keep up the situation with a confided in accomplice and offered top notch types of assistance of planning, assembling, and working endeavor utilizations of different purposes, models and innovation stacks.

We join imaginative personalities and the top to bottom information on a wide innovation range with the yearning to give answers for complex endeavor level difficulties in a wide scope of businesses, including producing, medical care, banking, retail, media communications, travel and neighborliness, amusement, and the sky is the limit from there.

Haus Consulting's Concept of Application Services

  • We use modern technologies and approaches. We enthusiastically use and continually build up our capabilities in IoT, huge information, AI, AI, picture examination, AR, DevOps/Continuous Delivery (CD), and don't disregard demonstrated and since a long time ago trusted specialists.
  • We know how to deal with complex enterprise IT landscapes that have advanced for quite a long time. For a very long time, we've been collecting the experience from different undertakings and took in the secrets to tame the frameworks of different nature and building designs.
  • We are flexible in terms of cooperation. We are prepared to help out outsider sellers and together convey business worth to the clients. In the event that the client's necessities and needs change, we can change the duty scope in a hurry and adjust administration timetables to the new setting.
  • We focus on TCO of the solutions we deliver and manage. We investigate how to improve operational, upkeep, and different expenses during an answer's life cycle.

Application Services We Offer

Haus Consulting offers the following set of application services for midsized and big enterprises:

UI/UX Design

Website composition administrations contain the cycles of (UI) and client experience (UX) plan of any online arrangement. In every one of its website composition projects, Haus Consulting adroitly balances the innovation, visual feel and business targets, bringing you quick stacking, significant and high-changing over online encounters.