Overseen IT administrations are pointed toward giving over your IT activities to an outsider IT administrations supplier, which assumes liability to guarantee high proficiency and convenient improvement of your IT climate and cycles inside it.

Overseen IT benefits by Haus Consulting upheld with more years of involvement with ITSM range the inside and out help for cloud, on-premises and cross breed frameworks and incorporate counseling and relocation administrations for proactive IT advancement.

IT Infrastructure Components Our Managed IT Services Tackle

  • Networks.
  • On-premises data centers.
  • Cloud services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
  • Cybersecurity tools.
  • Databases, data warehouses, data lakes.
  • Applications and app infrastructures.
  • Development infrastructures (CI/CD, development and testing environments).
  • Websites and web portals.
  • Desktops.

IT Outsourcing Services

Inside IT reevaluating, a seller assumes liability for 30-100% of your IT scene covering such territories as IT administration arranging and the executives, IT development and oversaw IT administrations.

Haus Consulting gives adjustable IT re-appropriating administrations to support your business with practical IT activities and quick programming advancement.

Information Technology Consulting

With IT counseling administrations, you redo your IT climate to make it go close by with your business needs. Utilizing more year of experience in IT, Haus Consulting offers consultancy on comprehensive, quick, and savvy advancement of IT frameworks and cycles to guarantee substantial business results

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