IoT administrations include key counseling, improvement, information examination, and application the board pointed toward assisting associations with tackling their business difficulties and tap in new income streams by means of IoT innovation.

Haus Consulting offers full-range IoT administrations and assists associations with working out dependable and financially savvy methods of tending to their business difficulties and tech hindrances with IoT advancements.

What IoT solution are you looking for?

We created IoT arrangements and gave IoT counseling administrations to organizations working in a scope of spaces, including:

Industrial IoT

Medical IoT

Fleet Management

Smart, Connected Products

Smart Cities

IoT for Retail

IoT for Telecoms

Choose your service option

IoT analytics

We help organizations draw noteworthy experiences from IoT information with far reaching IoT investigation administrations:

  • Implementing IoT analytics solutions. We offer full-cycle IoT investigation arrangement advancement – beginning from needs examination to arrangement dispatch and the board.
  • Offering IoT analytics as a service. Consider acquiring IoT experiences dependent on a membership model – you access a web interface, while we handle the arrangement's specialized acknowledgment.

Strategic IoT consulting

Our business examiners and programming designers will assist you with making or tailor an answer that tends to your business goals with full-range IoT counseling including:

  • Strategic planning and business case development.
  • Technology stack selection.
  • IoT architecture design.
  • Cybersecurity strategy design.

Full-cycle IoT development

Start to finish CRM execution, utilizing the capacities of market-driving CRM – Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Salesforce. We cover the whole undertaking degree, including counseling, design, customization, relocation and combination.

  • Firmware engineering.
  • Data warehouse design and engineering.
  • Data analytics implementation.
  • Custom web and mobile application development.
  • Network engineering and implementation.
  • Device and network security testing.
  • API design and provisioning.
  • Application launch.

IoT application management

Organization support, including day by day organization, information organization, day in and day out CRM framework observing, month to month framework wellbeing checks and client help work area.

  • Technical support and troubleshooting: for quick identification of data quality, application availability and usage issues.
  • Cloud management: cloud resources consumption monitoring and optimization.
  • Security management and regulatory compliance: network, server, database, and application vulnerability assessment; infrastructure compliance review; DDoS and APT prevention.
  • IoT solution evolution: application updates and expansions for supporting your changing business needs.

IoT ecosystem components we cover