our custom telecom arrangements have been fueling worldwide pioneers in media communications, like T-Mobile and Orange, just as hopeful new businesses like Viber

Operations Support Systems (OSS)

Haus Consulting assists telcos with guaranteeing that their organizations run predictably.

VoIP-based services

With a broad encounter of conveying VoIP arrangements, we make:

  • Server-side applications for softswitches;
  • Customized SIP-clients.


In view of BMC Remedy or ServiceNow, our altered arrangements take into consideration dealing with various activities successfully:

  • Network resources inventory;
  • Performance management;
  • Fault management;
  • Trouble ticketing;
  • Fraud protection.

Business Support Systems (BSS)

Seeing the steadily developing change of the telecom business, our customers can maintain their organizations in sync with the change and make totally new plans of action because of:

Charging and billing systems

Adaptable and ongoing charging a lot arrangements that empower:

  • Endorsers of have moment power over their arrangements just as advantage from numerous contributions;
  • Administrators to make different valuing models and customized offers for a few client sections (on account of CRM combination).

CRM systems

Draw in with supporters multiplely:

  • Customer account management: following request history, channel movement, advancement reaction and others;
  • Loyalty program management: making custom fitted offers, advancements and data on administrations and items;
  • Customer retention: foreseeing client stir just as expanding client worth and unwaveringness by utilizing progressed examination.

Customer self-service portals

Present day and intelligent entries that are:

  • Profile-based and customized;
  • Secure, amazing and adaptable;
  • Incorporated with business frameworks, information investigation apparatuses and web-based media;
  • Upgraded for cell phones and tablets.

All-round data analysis and reporting

Improve the presentation of information rich business measures through:

  • Data warehousing: accumulating information from different sources into a solitary, speedy and safe data set – we do the plan and execution;
  • Advanced reporting and visualization: adjustable reports to assess crusade adequacy, anticipate agitate and acquire key bits of knowledge for additional upgrades;
  • Predictive analytics: enhancing promoting procedure by investigating client conduct through division and history.

Corporate portals

Quick and secure entryways to help your group profit by:

  • Business workflow automation;
  • Project and task management;
  • Corporate knowledge base;
  • Workforce management;
  • Procurement management;
  • Document management.

Custom web and mobile applications

Increment business dexterity with a custom application that is custom-made to meet your particular requirements. Here are a few instances of the custom applications that we have executed as of late:

  • Mobile number portability system;
  • Sales force automation system.

Customized VAS (Value Added Services) Software

We assist telcos with expanding their contributions with:

  • VoIP apps;
  • IPTV apps.