Medical care IT counseling administrations help medical services associations defeat restricted or low-level medical services IT mastery and backing the successful execution of advanced medical care activities.

Haus Consulting gives medical clinics, centers, rehearses, helped living offices, labs, and other medical services associations with medical services IT counseling administrations to assist them with embracing complex computerized activities, give advanced patient consideration, advance inward cycles, improve the IT framework, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Image Analysis Solutions We Offer

Complex digital initiatives

Our medical care IT specialists map out the execution of complex advanced activities that will help you:

  • Adjust to the evolving climate (e.g., scourges, administrative changes, market requests).
  • Digitize cycles to improve the nature of care, save operational expenses, help clinical staff execution.

Remote patient monitoring (RPM)

Haus Consulting's specialists counsel on the plan and execution of a RPM arrangement that permits:

  • Gathering and investigating point by point data about patients' vitals.
  • Offering patient information to incorporated medical care IT frameworks (e.g., EHR, HMS).
  • Cautioning a specialist, a patient and guardians if there should arise an occurrence of disturbing wellbeing boundaries.

Telemedicine solutions

Haus Consulting's group can plan a telemedicine arrangement that permits you to give protected and reimbursable patient consideration web based, utilizing:

  • Drawing in video arrangements.
  • Far off diagnosing and vitals following (e.g., for temperature, pulse).
  • Mechanized charging because of coordination with EHR.
  • Information examination of patient results and patterns, doctor execution.

Chronic diseases management and digital therapeutics

Haus Consulting plans arrangements including:

  • Notices on planned arrangements, lab results, drug the executives, and then some.
  • Medication intake scheme.
  • Infection explicit treatment programs focused on manifestation alleviation (e.g., breathing activities for heart wellbeing improvement).
  • Sustenance and movement guidelines.

Patient relationship management

To systemize correspondence with patients, gather and break down quiet connection data to anticipate administrations request, Haus Consulting will help you plan:

  • Execution of patient CRM with a 360-degree patient view.
  • Advanced PR and advertising of your medical care administrations.
  • Combinations of a patient relationship the board arrangement with EHR and other clinical applications to stay away from scattered information.

Healthcare data management and analytics

We help incorporate information from all necessary clinical applications to get bits of knowledge into:

  • Patient results.
  • Doctors' and attendants' exhibition.
  • Staffing holes.
  • Population health.
  • Clinical gadgets utilization and execution.
  • Offices condition and utilization.

Clinical process automation and digital collaboration

Haus Consulting's specialists will assist you with characterizing measures requiring mechanization and furnish you with choices for:

  • Office 365-based coordinated effort and work process mechanization to help multiteam patient consideration.
  • SharePoint Intranet and Extranet to keep clinical staff refreshed with basic data.
  • Far off working environment for attendants and doctors.
  • SharePoint strategy the board and tagging frameworks.
  • Learning the executives framework.

Tracking solutions

We offer consultancy on IoT arrangements focused on brilliant asset use, patient and staff security:

  • Staff following to keep away from exhaust and upgrade work processes.
  • Inpatient following shrewd sensors or gadgets to improve their wellbeing and give ideal consideration.
  • Clinic resource following utilizing RFID labels to maintain a strategic distance from underutilization or loss of the gear.

Migration to a HIPAA-compliant cloud

We prompt on movement to AWS or Azure when the on-premises foundation is expensive and rigid and are prepared to join your task at any stage:

  • Arranging programming relocation to a HIPAA-consistent cloud.
  • Relocating to a HIPAA-consistent cloud.
  • Working programming in a HIPAA-agreeable cloud.
  • Advancing the cloud assets use.

Healthcare cybersecurity and HIPAA compliance

To help you secure ePHIs, dodge dangers of an interruption and HIPAA break, we prompt on:

  • HIPAA consistence of specialized (e.g., ePHI access control) and physical (e.g., office access control) shields.
  • Сorrection measures for the weaknesses and provisos that might be misused by cybercriminals.
  • Security testing schedule.