Haus Consulting offers an assortment of administrations from data security counseling to surveying, testing and improving the assurance of uses and organizations for organizations working in medical care, fabricating, banking, retail, broadcast communications, and different enterprises.

Our security specialists build up an individual way to deal with every client dependent on prescribed procedures and improved with our own insight. We are prepared to help our customers at all venture stages.

Cybersecurity Services

We offer our customers a variety of cybersecurity services to:

  • Significantly reduce the number of security weaknesses in web, mobile, and desktop applications, as well as in our clients’ networks.
  • Ensure their constant compliance with appropriate regulations and standards (PCI DSS, GDPR, HIPAA).
  • Information security consulting
  • Security testing of IT infrastructures and its components
  • Stress testing: emulation of DDoS / DoS attacks
  • Security code review
  • Mobile device management and mobile application management
  • Cloud security
  • Web application security
  • SIEM
  • DDoS protection
  • Email security
  • Firewalls, IDS / IPS, DLP implementation and setting
  • Antivirus protection

Security assessment and planning

Haus Consulting delivers full-scale security assessment and planning services for the components of IT infrastructures:

Web, mobile, desktop applications

Network services

Remote access software

IoT devices

Employee behavior

Client side

We assist our clients with recognizing their security hazards and characterize the actions to relieve the dangers by offering our capabilities in the regions recorded underneath.

Information security consulting

Our security specialists will offer the methods of checking the heartiness of your cyberenvironment against security dangers, identifying weaknesses in your organization or applications, improving the exhibition of your data security arrangements, and guaranteeing the insurance of your delicate information.

Security testing of IT infrastructures and its components

We uncover security escape clauses in the parts of our clients' IT surroundings. Haus Consulting's security group cautiously checks the assurance level of your IT framework and characterizes measures to decrease the quantity of safety shortcomings inside your organization and applications.

Infrastructure security audit

Our security team assesses your IT infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities in the following areas:

  • Security policies and procedures.
  • Security monitoring tools.
  • Physical access control.
  • Configuration management.
  • Version control.

Compliance testing

Our security engineers perform mechanized and manual examining of your IT climate and its components to guarantee your consistence with PCI DSS, HIPAA, and different guidelines and norms. Based on the testing results, the security group gives you a point by point validation letter.

Vulnerability assessment

Haus Consulting performs robotized and manual security assessment to identify weaknesses in their clients' IT foundations. Our security testing group distinguishes, measures, and positions network security shortcomings. In view of the appraisal results, we give our clients suggestions to assist them with disposing of safety hazards.

Penetration testing

Haus Consulting's security trying group pinpoints framework weaknesses, approves existing safety efforts, and gives a nitty gritty remediation guide. Outfitted with the uncommon apparatuses and industry-explicit test situations, the group performs entrance testing as indicated by one of the three methodologies:

  • Black box testing. We work in life-like conditions having carefully restricted information on your organization and no data on the security arrangements, network construction, programming and organization insurance utilized.
  • Grey box testing.We inspect your framework having some data on your organization, for example, client login subtleties, design charts or the organization's outline.
  • White box testingWe recognize expected flimsy spots by utilizing administrator rights and admittance to worker arrangement records, data set encryption standards, source code or design documentation.

Stress testing: Emulation of DDoS / DoS attacks

Haus Consulting's security trying group assesses the steadiness of your framework and its segments by testing it past typical operational limit with the utilization of extraordinary instruments like Siege and Apache JMeter. We apply our aptitude to imitate forswearing of administration (DoS) or dispersed disavowal of administration (DDoS) assaults against your organization or applications to:

  • Decide if the vigor of programming or equipment is agreeable under pressure conditions (e.g., substantial organization traffic, measure stacking).
  • Recognize potential blunders that can happen in the event of framework over-burdening.

Application security

Ineffectively coded and deficiently secured applications can put an organization in danger and result in information breaks. Haus Consulting offers their abilities and information in surveying and testing the security of uses (web, portable, work area), just as discovering approaches to assist their clients with accomplishing the viable insurance of the corporate information put away locally or distantly.

Security code review

Each programming language has its characteristics that may cause security blemishes during the improvement stage. Haus Consulting's security specialists recognize existing escape clauses before your applications 'go live.'

Our security engineers lead robotized and manual security code survey and draw in senior designers and draftsmen (if necessary) to help you to:

  • Detect mistakes introduced into an application during its development to improve software quality and increase its protection level.
  • Highlight weak points in the source code of your app where vulnerabilities may potentially occur.
  • Find the most cost-efficient ways to eliminate security weaknesses identified in applications.

Mobile device management and mobile application management

With the multiplication of cell phones, versatile applications and projects utilized inside corporate organizations, endeavors face the need to oversee and get their utilization. Haus Consulting offers their ability in applying the proper gadget the board arrangements and carrying out control measures to the establishment of new versatile applications.

Our security testing group has a wide involvement with accurately introducing and tuning cell phone the board (MDM) and versatile application the executives (MAM) arrangements like Microsoft Intune to guarantee portable security. We can calibrate versatile security administrations you decide to apply and set the important strategies appropriately for you to:

  • Ensure the compliance of devices (both corporate and personal) and applications with your internal security policies and requirements.
  • Control how your employees exploit and share corporate information via their mobile devices and the apps they use.

Cloud security

Haus Consulting encourages their clients to get their cloud arrangements. Being a Gold Microsoft Business Partner, we have the essential experience to tune unique security segments, like Azure Security Center, permitting security the board and danger assurance across cloud jobs.

Haus Consulting’s security engineers can apply appropriate cloud security measures and configure cloud protection solutions to ensure:

  • Constant and efficient monitoring of the security of your cloud applications.
  • Analysis of the event logs from your cloud solutions and prompt detection of suspicious activities.
  • Remediation of security weaknesses potentially existing in your cloud environment.
  • Application of the necessary security policies to make your cloud solutions meet the appropriate security standards.

Web application security

  • Our security testing group completes weakness appraisal to check whether the legitimate encryption, validation and other safety efforts are applied in a web application, a web administration or a site.
  • Upon the assessment results, our security engineers furnish clients with significant suggestions on the most proficient method to improve the assurance level of their web arrangements.
  • We offer infiltration testing administrations (as a one-time or a customary support of) furnish clients with the itemized data on genuine security dangers they may confront and recognize the most basic security shortcomings to allow our clients to focus on remediation gauges and apply important security patches.

Network protection

By growing corporate association security expressly, you may decrease the threat of transforming into the overcomer of insurance ridiculing, character or association's restrictive information burglary, Man-in-the-Middle and DDoS attacks.

We apply various safeguard layers to ensure your corporate organization and the touchy information put away inside it. Haus Consulting's security engineers realize different approaches to keep your restrictive data safe and lessen the likelihood that you should encounter fruitful assault endeavors against your organization.


Haus Consulting's security engineers offer their insight into IBM Security QRadar to furnish you with a 360-degree perspective on your IT climate and get exact scientific information on security occasions progressively with a QRadar-based SIEM arrangement.

We deliver a full range of QRadar-related services.

  • QRadar consulting services. We assist you with building up a pertinent technique to coordinate QRadar easily into your corporate IT scene.
  • QRadar deployment architecture design.We draw up your QRadar's specialized plan as per cooperatively pre-set framework necessities and make QRadar an essential piece of your security organization.
  • QRadar deployment.We send QRadar to empower legitimate working of its modules and the stage's superior and versatility.
  • QRadar fine-tuning. We interface log sources to QRadar, standardize information streaming to it, arrange its modules to deal with occasions from numerous organization objects, create custom connection rules to allow QRadar to uncover complex assaults and distinguish security offenses appropriately.
  • Migration to QRadar.We move your SIEM arrangement that neglects to meet the security prerequisites to QRadar so the stage causes you to distinguish happening dangers and react to them appropriately.

DDoS protection

In the event that an organization settles on applying a unique online arrangement, like CloudFlare, to ensure their organization against DDoS assaults, Haus Consulting has the security specialists with the abilities in executing and designing such arrangements appropriately. Our security engineers set them up to:

  • Forestall interruptions inside your organization happening because of bizarre measures of malignant traffic.
  • Keep the segments of your IT climate in a high accessibility state.
  • Examine cyberattacks rapidly in the event that they happen and let you change the security arrangements applied inside the corporate organization to evade such cyberattacks later on.

Email security

We can assist our clients with protecting their corporate data in email correspondence and secure from unapproved access, misfortune, and so forth Haus Consulting's security specialists will shield your organization from phishing, spamming, malware, and different assaults against email administrations. Having worked with the arrangements offered by significant sellers, like FortiGate and Cisco, we've acquired the necessary experience to:

  • Incorporate an email security arrangement you pick into your organization's framework to guarantee its smooth activity.
  • Play out the tuning of the picked email security administration to keep your delicate corporate information from being lost or (un)intentionally shared by means of email by your workers.
  • Arrange your email security arrangement appropriately to decrease the likelihood your organization will confront email security dangers.

Firewalls, IDS / IPS, DLP implementation and setting

Haus Consulting's security group executes and sets the security rules of uncommon answers for control approaching organization traffic, examine it to identify and hinder possible assaults. We offer you the accompanying network protection measures to apply:

  • Equipment or programming firewall assurance to evade fraud, malware, online misrepresentation, and other basic cyberthreats that may come from the web.
  • An interruption recognition framework (IDS) to speedily caution your framework heads on dubious exercises inside your organization, and an interruption avoidance framework (IPS) to hinder the assaults before they transform into genuine security issues.
  • An information misfortune anticipation (DLP) framework to keep basic corporate data from coming external your organization because of the clients' foolish conduct.

Antivirus protection

Haus Consulting’s security engineers configure antivirus protection to:

  • Improve the security of the organization from infections, spyware, and different kinds of malignant programming coming from the web or outside drives.
  • Increment the insurance of your organization against phishing and parodying web assaults that target taking your touchy information.
  • Give your framework heads progressed command over any web exercises occurring across your organization to forestall different sorts of cyberthreats from influencing the security of your corporate information.
  • Eliminate possibly unsafe programming and dangers, in this manner hindering their path further inside your organization.